Susan staunchly believes that assurance of public safety against diverse threats is at the heart of local governance. Here is where she stands on key elements of the issue:
Understanding the Crisis: Susan leads in the fight on homelessness and affordable housing countywide. She recognizes that systemic factors such as the lack of good-paying jobs, the low-inventory of affordable housing, the shortage of stabilizing environments (e.g. shelters and safe-parking lots), and the scarcity of mental health and addiction services all contribute to the county’s ongoing crisis. She is also well aware of the fragmented aid landscape, and acknowledges the challenges that it presents for coordination and information sharing. She also understands that robust data collection and analysis is required to drive decisions and reduce the number of unhoused on our streets. Susan supports Prop 13. The protection it offers to keep seniors from being taxed out of their homes is invaluable.
Susan is a leader and a collaborator. She believes that being as inclusive as possible is the way to make the decisions that are most likely to improve our common welfare and gain acceptance by the community. Susan’s door will be open. And, when considering matters before the SLO County Board of Supervisors, she will solicit ideas and concerns from a broad cross-section of the community.
She commits to publicizing upcoming agenda items and issues and to explaining her understanding of them. She promises to push for data collection so the Board can evaluate whether measures they implement are having the desired effect, and to share those evaluations with the public. Susan also believes that gerrymandering district boundaries to advantage one group or political party denies voters fair representation in their government.
Susan recognizes the pivotal role housing, employment, and vibrant community spaces play in fostering a community where people want to live. Passionately endorsing economic ventures that uplift families while maintaining environmental standards, she is an advocate for local labor unions, understanding their value for working families. As part of her vision for a sustainable and flourishing future, Susan extends her support to SLO County's innovative energy programs, contributing to California's green transition and generating rewarding employment prospects.
Susan is steadfast in her pursuit to elevate the living standards and opportunities for every SLO County resident, irrespective of their background, gender, or ethnicity. A vocal advocate for inclusive policies, she resolutely opposes discrimination and hate speech. Committed to both environmental conservation and infrastructural enhancement, Susan envisions a prosperous and harmonious future for all in SLO County.
Susan sees clear water resources as the backbone to a thriving future in SLO County for upcoming generations. She grasps the critical role water plays in both sustaining our local economy—via agriculture and tourism—and ensuring the wellbeing of every resident. Susan is determined to address the challenges head-on. Her commitment extends beyond mere talk: she seeks to actively remedy the overdraft pumping of crucial aquifers, urging data-driven strategies, resource conservation, and effective recycling.
Susan is unwavering in her promise to ensure the judicious use of taxpayer dollars from SLO County families. Backed by her academic credentials, an MBA and a Certificate in Public Management, coupled with an extensive career in healthcare financial management, she recognizes that robust financial governance – in both public and private sectors – is indispensable. Furthermore, her personal experiences as a mother, homemaker, and small business entrepreneur have imparted in her the value of prudent spending and wise investments for building prosperous futures.
Susan has taken strong positions on issues that impact the health and safety of SLO County residents today and in the future. Her priorities include reducing the use of fossil fuels, protecting local air quality, limiting the impacts of human developments on important habitats, preserving natural attractions that enhance tourism, and maintaining our essential water supply. As a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, she is keenly aware of how environmental conditions impact residents’ health.